Email [email protected] or tag me on Twitter @CRESMusic. Have fun!
Wing Music Mini Lesson 9
My name is Mr. Baur and I am a general music and chorus teacher in the Islip School District. I created this site in the hopes that you can find information about all of the classes I teach, ensembles I conduct, and programs I am involved in here in Islip along with information about music in general.
If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please use the button below to email me.
Please be sure to visit all of the different pages by clicking on the buttons above!
I hope that everyone is doing well! Please see the attached link to watch my latest YouTube lesson! As always, please reach out with any videos of your students watching or participating in our lessons. Stay healthy! Email [email protected] or tag me on Twitter @CRESMusic. Have fun! Wing Music Mini Lesson 9 Hi all! Mrs. Cupolo and I miss all of our student's singing voices so much that we want to have a "Virtual Concert" this Spring. I know that many of you have quickly become familiar with FlipGrid so hopefully the process is pretty straight forward. You may notice that not all of the songs that your child has been practicing are there. Coordinating a Virtual Concert is a large undertaking and we think that highlighting three songs for each grade will work real nicely. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! [email protected]. Have fun!
Pro Tip: Have a phone or other device playing the music in the background while your child performs! Hi to all of my Wing kiddos! Here are three more videos for you to watch. Two of them are Move-Its and one is finger plays! I hope that you enjoy playing and moving along with me. If you have videos of you doing any of these activities or even better, if you have videos of your PARENTS doing them, I'd love to see them! Email them to [email protected] or tag me on Twitter @CRESMusic. Have fun! Mini Lesson 2 - Move It (finally done having the argument and it works now!) Mini Lesson 5 - fingerplays Mini Lesson 6 - Move It And as always, here are the links to the Spring Sing Along Music! Kindergarten Spring Sing Along Songs First Grade Spring Sing Along Songs Hi Mrs. Katsch, Mrs. Haak, and Mrs. Johnson's class! I miss you so much! I hope you are able to view these videos and follow along with me as we do music class at home! If any of you get videos of your students participating, I would LOVE to see them. Either tweet them to me using @CRESMusic or email the video to me, [email protected]. Enjoy! You may notice that there is no Mini Lesson 2. Mini Lesson 2 and I are having an argument and it's not working. Mini Lesson 1 Mini Lesson 3 Mini Lesson 4 I hope that this post finds all of you well. Times are certainly challenging right now but I hope that you find some time to reflect, smile, laugh, joke, and enjoy this unexpected time with your families. While much of the work that we do each day in our classroom cannot be replicated online, I have begun to pull some links to videos and activities that I enjoy and that I hope you do too. Please click on the "Distance Learning" tab at the top of my site and scroll through some of the links there. Parents and families of 3rd Grade students - as soon as we get back to school, we will begin discussing the instruments of the Band and Orchestra in preparation for choosing your instrument to play going into fourth grade. Feel free to get a jump start on that by checking out some of the information and videos posted in the 3rd Grade Instrument Sign-Up tab at the top. NYSSMA Students - please continue to sing the music that we have begun to learn together. All songs are available by clicking on the NYSSMA link at the top of the page. Chorus and TrebleMakers Students - there is no real good way of learning our music as a group in the situation that we are currently in. For now, please find music to sing along to or teach your family member a favorite canon/round that we have learned this year in chorus/Treblemakers. I did put some recordings of songs on the Chorus and TrebleMakers pages for you to listen to or sing along to! For everyone, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] if there is something specific that you are looking for or with any general questions. Most of all - stay safe, stay healthy, and wash those hands! --Mr. Baur :) |
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Gold Chorus @g-chorus Purple Chorus @p-chorus TrebleMakers @cres-tm Show Choir @ims-sc Vocal NYSSMA Level 1 @NYSSMALev1 Vocal NYSSMA Level 2 @NYSSMALev2 @CRESMusic
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September 2020