This week, I want to start with a video of Esperanza Spalding. She is a wonderful jazz singer and bassist. You will notice her holding a guitar, but it is a bass guitar. It plays much lower than a regular guitar. A regular guitar has six strings but a bass guitar has only four. Do you see how fast her fingers are moving? She is also singing words as well as scatting (singing nonsense syllables). Did you notice anything about the performers taking turns during the performance? Here is some more information about Esperanza Spalding that you may find interesting.
URL 1 - https://safeyoutube.net/w/BQp8
URL 2 - https://www.kidzworld.com/article/25441-esperanza-spalding-bio-get-the-look
URL 1 - https://safeyoutube.net/w/WFp8
The next performance is by a community choir from Australia called Hummingsong. They are singing the song Titanium which I am sure you have heard before. One of my favorite parts of community choirs is that there are singers of so many different ages all working together! Do you like it when a choir sings a song that you know from the radio? Or do you prefer to sing songs that you don’t already know? How many singers do you think there were? What adjectives could you use to describe their performance?
URL 1 - https://safeyoutube.net/w/H7t8
There is a wonderful book called Matilda by Roald Dahl. If you have never read it, you should definitely do that! Here is a recording of a song called When I Grow Up from the musical adaptation of the book Matilda performed by the West End cast which is based in London, in the UK. What do you want to be when you grow up? Ask your parents or other adults what some of the things they wanted to be when they grew up. Did any of them actually become exactly what they wanted to be?
URL 1 - https://safeyoutube.net/w/wdq8
Pop artists are famous for doing mashups of more than one song and making a new piece of art. Perhaps you have heard some of them. Here is a recording of some classical pieces of music that have been “mashed up!” What do you think? Did you notice the two Post-It notes on the piano? What do you think they said?
URL 1 - https://safeyoutube.net/w/Twq8
Lastly this week is our Piano Guys video! Since we were talking about Titanium and mashups this week, I figured this video of a mashup between Gabriel Faure’s Pavane and David Guetta’s Titanium was the obvious choice. Do you think the songs complimented each other well? Let me know what you think!
URL 1 - https://safeYouTube.net/w/cH7H
I miss all of you greatly – I hope that you are doing well and that we can be back together in September. Hang in there!!!!
“Music can change the world because it can change people.” ~ Bono
Mr. Baur :)